750 Dealshaker top merchants will receive a total of 540,000 EUR from the DS Pool conversion. This amount will be distributed between them in relatively equal parts (between 5 and 25 ONE). About 200 of them are experienced merchants, chosen for their good history on the platform, with many deals created, who have contributed to the community. Over 500 are the top merchants, selected based on their turnover on the platform and excellent performance in the second quarter of the year. The top Dealshaker merchants with the highest turnover are from all over the world, with the most from China, Vietnam, and Malaysia, followed by Thailand, South Korea, Uganda, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, Colombia, Sweden, Italy, etc.

This criterion for selecting merchants is introduced in the interest of active users and ensures fairer access to the DS Pool. It was initiated by IGC members and country managers who requested clearer criteria for participation in the Pool. The list of top merchants in the future will be created, based on the performance of the merchants for the specified period (quarter of the year calendar) only and will be paid for that period only. Thus, the next merchants, who will be included in the DS Pool will be those with the best results and turnover in the next period (July-August-September), and the amounts will be received after the end of the same period – in October. The amount will again be 540,000 euros, distributed among the top traders in the list. The company and personally Mr. Vladislav Velkov, Dealshaker Global Director, congratulate all the merchants, who are included in the DS Pool for their excellent work and brilliant results.

“These are merchants, who create great deals, invest time and effort in the content of their deals, comply with the requirements and standards of the platform, as well as the advice of the DAD team and their country managers. These are merchants with excellent business acumen who actively participate in our exhibitions worldwide, have opened their Dealshaker branded stores, create new partnerships, and sell successfully locally and globally. These are merchants who have not only transformed their business but also changed the way their customers shop online. Thank you all! Keep creating great deals and selling so well. You are our best ambassadors worldwide, and because of you all, we and our IT team are working hard to improve the system every day and create the best conditions for the glorious success of your business”, Mr. Velkov said in a special address to merchants.