Dealshaker Approval Department will be implemented to support country managers in many countries in Asia and Europe Currently, the DAD team operates completely in China, where they review and approve/decline all businesses and deals”, announced Ivan Zerkov, Chief Operating Officer DEALSHAKER Global during his participation in the Newsroom show.


“The DAD team is operating worldwide with specific priorities in some markets. The team reviews and approves all businesses and deals also in many countries around the world where we do not yet have established country managers. The company’s ambition and goals are DAD to expand its activities to other key markets worldwide in order to support and ease the work of country managers in approving hundreds of deals and improving the work of merchants on the platform so that they create good deals with good content, comply with legislation and internal requirements and sell more”, Mr. Zerkov added.


“DEALSHAKER Approval Department (DAD) is an organizational structure that supports the global business development of our e-commerce platform. The team aims to monitor the deals management process for adherence and ensure the right implementation of global standards such as the Dealshaker Deals Guideline, and all other internal policies. The team has the administration rights to revise the business profiles, and the content of the deals, and to participate in the communication with merchants in terms of giving them feedback and direction for how the deals creation process should be improved. The whole process supports the merchants to advertise their products and services in a better way using the right tools as functionalities and content such as titles, descriptions, pricing, quantities, images, languages ​​of the deals, etc.”, Mr. Zerkov said.