“The implementation of Deashaker’s Deals Standard has to regulate the content of the deals in a precise way, to improve the quality of listings and make, so that attracts more buyers inside the community and outside the system as guests. We want to help merchants to reach more buyers inside and outside the community with attractive, well-structured, and standardized deals, to give all users the best shopping experience. This will also prepare merchants for the moment when the platform is going to be open for external buyers who will be able to purchase even as guests”. This was said by Ivan Zerkov, Chief Operating Officer DEALSHAKER Global, during his participation in the Newsroom show.

“In 2023 we created the DS Deals Guideline, an additional standard to our T&C. Its goal is to regulate the deals’ content on the platform in a precise way. Every local management in the face of our DS CMs and their teams must implement the standard. We aimed to make the deals more attractive, secure, and simple to understand. In this way to show transparency and builds trust in the customers”, Mr. Zerkov added. According to him with this step, the platform will reach all users who are buying online around the world. “This will give us the opportunity to grow faster. From 2-3 million people in the OES community as potential buyers at the moment, to 5 billion people who have access to the Internet and are able to purchase. Our DS Deals Guideline has the aim to: facilitate country managers, help merchants create better content, and meet all the requirements of the legislation”, Ivan Zerkov said.