“We are on the threshold of the biggest and most revolutionary change for our ecosystem. At the end of March 2024, the second and final phase of our Public Blockchain Deployment ends. This is a change that will open completely new horizons for us and our growth and development towards technology, innovation, financial independence, prosperity, and incredible opportunities of all our projects in ONE ECOSYSTEM”, said in a special speech to all members the CEO of the company Mr. Ventsislav Zlatkov.  He urged the entire ONE ECOSYSTEM family to transfer their accounts and to be a part of the future and this revolutionary change.

”Using the Polygon platform guarantees high and complete security, anonymous and complete privacy, true decentralization, and full transparency. Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that has transformed the world. It’s being used by businesses, governments, and big corporate houses to streamline their processes and enhance their productivity and performance with better solutions. And we are already part of this revolution. Transforming ourselves, we become part of the transformation of the world!”, said Mr. Zlatkov.

He highlighted what would happen if members did not deploy their accounts on time. “No transactions between non-deployed accounts will be possible after March 2024. Only deployed accounts will be able to purchase educational modules. Only deployed will purchase deals in Dealshaker and ONE VITA products. Only deployed DS merchants will be able to sell their deals. Only deployed accounts will use the DS conversion pool. Only merchants with deployed accounts can apply for the conversion of ONEs!”, said Mr. Zlatkov.

He added that the Blockchain technology is not just a promising innovation; it is the very foundation of the digital revolution that lies ahead. “Becoming part of this process, we all become part of the future, we create the future and the future starts today. This is the way to the revolution that will change and is already changing the whole world, the financial world, the world of global trade, change our daily life and us as people. With this change, we are not only keeping up with what’s new, but we are ahead of others”, said the CEO of the company in his special video speech.