Because of the launch of the newest blockchain modules, there are some changes in the educational modules. Effective, 25 April each Purchased Blockchain Educational Module from one of the five levels gives members access only to the one respective course in One Academy.

The Blockchain Introduction Educational Module will provide access only to the Blockchain Introduction Course in ONE Academy, including the corresponding textbook and video lessons.

A purchased BLOCKCHAIN SEMI-PROFESSIONAL educational module will only give access to the BLOCKCHAIN SEMI-PROFESSIONAL course with its textbook and video lessons.

The BLOCKCHAIN PROFESSIONAL module will include only access to the Blockchain Professional Course with the respective textbook and video lessons.

Each course provides a different level of learning and specific information, making each course unique and valuable in its own right. Purchasing all Blockchain modules and educating in all courses – the three oldest and the two newest blockchain courses will give you a comprehensive and expert knowledge of all aspects, changes, and current developments of this dynamic industry.

We remind you, that from March 25, 2024, the BLOCKCHAIN INTRODUCTION module includes 9500 tokens, 7000 Academy Tokens and 1000 Business Volume. Bonus Applicable for this module: Network bonus and Matching bonus up to 2nd level.

BLOCKCHAIN SEMI-PROFESSIONAL: 19000 tokens, 14000 Academy tokens, and 2000 Bonus Volume. Bonus Applicable for this module: Network bonus and Matching bonus up to 2nd level.

The BLOCKCHAIN PROFESSIONAL module includes 38000 tokens, 40000 Academy tokens, and 4000 Bonus Volume. Bonus Applicable for this module: Network bonus and Matching bonus up to 3rd level.

After passing the quizzes of each one of the courses, the member will receive 100% of the Academy tokens. The change “Оne module = One Blockchain Course” is effective from today and applies only to newly purchased modules.