We would like to kindly inform you that all shareholders who participate in a shared Group Study Module will have the opportunity to have access to OneAcademy from their own account. To do this, you should follow the steps below:

  1. Create an account in your Profile with the name “the original username of the GSM” + “shareholder” + your number in the contract.
  2. For example: GSM account Nickname Maria11 -> your new Rookie account: Maria11shareholder1 The owner of the Group Study Module needs to open a ticket to our Compliance Team via e-mail compliance@oneecosystem.eu with Subject: Group Study Module (or GSM) shareholder access
  3. In the e-mail, please attach your contract and KYC document matching the one in your profile and a list with the shareholder accounts’ Nickname.

Upon confirmation of the list, all shareholders provided will be granted Shareholder Access to the ONE ACADEMY educational materials.