As part of our decentralization process and the strive to work closely with the Network, we would like to announce the establishment of a new administrative structure – INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL COUNCIL.

A decentralized management system is essential for healthy decision-making. For the sake of this objective, we will allow leaders with proven qualities and skills to participate in the company’s management process and be an active part of the project’s development.

Currently, six people from essential regions will be members of the International Global Council. Their performance will be under the close supervision of the Company’s CEO, Mr. Ventsislav Zlatkov, the seventh member of the structure. With this form of regulation, we will ensure a balanced and wise Project management and continue building a healthy and successful development strategy. Open communication and discussions are key elements for making the right solutions.

We are excited to welcome on board two indisputable professionals – Regional DS Director Asia, Mrs. Mai Loan, and current EMEA Ambassador, Mr. Tommi Vuorinen. As a LATAM representative and among the first IGC members – we warmly welcome Mr. Raul Pazos – a person with proven leader’s skills.

Stay tuned and be part of the decentralization – the real key to democracy!