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100 merchants from Colombia and the region presented their great products and took place at the impressive Dealshaker Expo in Medellin, Colombia. Many local businesses participated in the exhibition with their stands and happily presented their goods and services, and visitors bought online by scanning the QR code of each deal. Cosmetics, fashion, electronics, jewelry, handmade goods, food, and beverages were just some of the products that fascinated all the guests and visitors during the Expo. Throughout the day, for nearly 7 hours, the stands were visited by hundreds of customers who were impressed by the great goods and wonderful opportunities that the Dealshaker platform gives.

The Dealshaker Expo allows merchants to widen their customer base, increase their brand awareness, and turn prospects into purchasing customers.  Direct Sales Opportunities, Face-to-Face Marketing, Building strong  Networking, as well as the possibility to meet a lot of like-minded people and find new business partners are some of the great benefits of participating in the Dealshaker Exhibitions.