Exciting news, great presentations from the top corporate speakers, Dealshaker Expo, and special Network Training with IGC members in Mexico! All this happened during the two-day One Ecosystem International Corporate Event in Mexico on July 20-21. The beautiful hall in CENTROS DE EVENTOS MONARQUIA CORONADO, Ciudad de Mexico was full of members and guests who witnessed the great program and learned from our top corporate speakers all the latest news related to our key projects – ONE ACADEMY, ONE VITA, DEALSHAKER.


Before the official part on July 20, an exclusive Network Training was held for everyone who bought Premium tickets. They had the unique opportunity to meet up close with our IGC members Tommi Vuorinen and Marco Romero who presented the key projects and opportunities of our One Ecosystem. How to turn crises into opportunities for growth, and how to achieve independence, and transform our business and lives, thanks to crypto currencies were the main topics. Tommy Vuorinen told about the advantages of the blockchain technologies, global trade, and modern digital financial solutions. Our IGC member for LATAM Marco Romero shares his great experience and professional advice. How to build and develop your strong network and grow and take advantage of the dynamic crypto world? What is the plan for the future of our projects in LATAM? How to modernize your business and sell worldwide using digital assets and crypto, and more exclusive tips were presented to the IMAs.


 The corporate part of the event was opened with the special speech of the CEO of the company Mr. Ventsislav Zlatkov, who noted the huge growth potential of Mexico and the region in the crypto and digital world, e-commerce and innovation. “Mexico and the LATAM region have emerged as a key hub for cryptocurrency and blockchain innovations, especially within the remittance space. We expect a positive outlook and the popularity of ONE crypto currency in Mexico and LATAM will continue to grow. With a young and entrepreneurial population, Latin America is ready to be an engine of innovation, digital solutions, crypto adoption, and economic growth in the next years” said Mr. Zlatkov. “Unfortunately, we must note that Mexico still struggles with large socio-economic disparities, issues in the access and the quality of the local education and the national education system. That is why finance and technology education is the key to success. Our project – ONE ACADEMY, which has not stopped developing in recent years, is the chance for millions of people here and worldwide who do not have access to quality education, not only to educate themselves but also to manage their money and make their dreams come true”, the CEO added.

Mr. Zlatkov reported that Mexico is positioned among the top five countries in the world in terms of e-commerce retail growth rate. In 2024, the Mexican e-commerce market will have approximately 74 million users. All of this should be a sign to us that the best is yet to come! Online buyers will become more and more, online merchants will grow and all of them will need to develop their business to a new level, to transform their business and enter the crypto world. This is possible only in Dealshaker – the fastest-growing e-commerce platform”, Mr. Zlatkov said.


What are the latest solutions in the field of security in the digital financial world and how blockchain technologies guarantee better protection of transactions was the main topic of the presentation for ONE ACADEMY. The audience in the hall listened with interest to the live blockchain expert lesson, which is also part of the latest blockchain courses – Blockchain Advanced and Blockchain Expert. “2024 could be considered the year of consolidation and mass adoption of cryptocurrencies. The adoption of digital currencies in Latin American countries is starting to increase, and recent surveys indicate that the adoption of more crypto will continue to increase. According to Bloomberg, 3 of the top 20 countries that have adopted cryptocurrencies the most are in Latin America: Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil. The mass adoption of cryptocurrencies is connected to the need for a new level in privacy and security! The advancements in data privacy and security are the key reason for the adoption of blockchain technologies in various sectors, ranging from healthcare and education to public services and environmental conservation”, reported Nikolay Manolov, Head of the OES Marketing Department during the event.


The latest news related to ONE VITA was presented by Nikolay Manolov, Head of the OES Marketing Department. He predicts great success and big sales in LATAM as the products meet all the demands and trends of the market there. “Mexico is the second largest Latin American market in the cosmetics and perfumery sector behind Brazil. The beauty market in Mexico has great growth potential, due to the growing purchasing power of the population. The luxury market continues to grow in Mexico, too. It increases consumers’ interest in preventing, not just treating. Therefore, rejuvenating, detoxifying, or moisturizing products are expected to succeed. The most remarkable trends not only in Mexico but in the world, are anti-aging products and healthy, natural, and environmentally friendly products. ONE VITA includes 5 unique anti-aging products. Our products are natural and healthy, with modern packaging. We do not offer one, but 7 great products, rejuvenating, detoxifying, or moisturizing products, so again we are responding to the interest of buyers in LATAM. ONE VITA offers an innovation in cosmetics”, Mr. Manolov said. He announced that the company’s goal is LATAM to be one of the global fulfillment centers for the distribution of ONE VITA.

Marina Mustapic, creator and manufacturer of ONE VITA products took part in the event with special video message from Croatia to all members in Mexico.


Upcoming great improvements in Dealshaker, new payment methods, and the latest news, related to our fast-growing e-commerce global platform were presented by Ivan Zerkov, Chief Operating Officer DEALSHAKER Global.He described how the USDT payment method will be implemented into Dealshaker very soon. This is one step before the official opening of the system to guests, and non-registered users, which will be a revolutionary change for our system. Debit and credit card payments are the next goal, which is another long-awaited change, Мr. Zerkov said during his participation. Buying as a guest, and the guest checkout process are the newest features in progress and are the next main goals to be implemented into Dealshaker. New Different payment methods have to be integrated. First, USDT as a payment method is coming very soon, Mr. Zerkov said. “Currently, there is a blocker for random visitors to buy deals from the platform, because they do not have coins. This is making the emotional buying impossible. We are going to introduce an option for the buyer to buy coins directly from the merchant who is selling the deal. This new option gives 3 benefits: The merchant sells his deal to more buyers; The buyer buys what he wants quickly and easily; The merchant exchanges a part of his crypto coin for fiat”, said during his presentation Ivan Zerkov, Chief Operating Officer of DEALSHAKER Global. He also reported our achievements in the last year like Dealshaker Merchant and Dealshaker Buyer App, new features like Nearby Merchant Map, newly added languages, and local currencies when creating a deal, and our unique Credit points system.

Dealshaker is a great opportunity for big brands, chains, and supermarkets to sell more. How to connect to big brands and create new partnerships in our global platform – this was the main topic, presented by Mauricio Garavito, Dealshaker Business Development Manager during the International Corporate Event in Mexico. He advised members on how to place Dealshker as an option for big brands and start exploring the possibility of connecting Dealshaker with other marketplaces. Part of this strategy is to have different combos with other brands, Mauricio Garavito said in front of all members and guests in CENTROS DE EVENTOS MONARQUIA CORONADO, Ciudad de México.


The International Corporate Event ended with the participation od the Country Board in Mexico. Gabriela Alarcon Galvan, Country Board member shared the goals of the team in Mexico and stated that thanks to such events, more young people learn about our projects and the opportunities for development in our big One Ecosystem family. Marco Romero, IGC member for LATAM and Dealshaker Country Manager for Mexico also greeted all the guests at the event and thanked the corporate team for their support in LATAM. According to him, the coordinated work and good communication between all members, country managers, leaders with the corporate team is key for the best advertising and development of our projects anywhere in the world.