

All merchants (old & new) with the status Approved on the Dealshaker platform, who do not have the required documentation, must update their Merchant accounts by:

* uploading all the required documents,
* setting the right type of Merchant (Individual or Business),
* add in the description of the business the scope of the trade activity according to the official registration documents.

Upload your business documents until the 20th of June, then the merchant accounts that are not facing the requirements will be Declined.

If a Business (Merchant account) is Declined, the merchants will receive notifications. Merchants must not create a new Business (merchant account) in such cases, but the current merchant account must be updated with the required in the messages sent by the Dealshaker Approval Department. The decline reasons can be found in the merchant accounts in the Merchant office.

For Individual Merchant type – Merchant accounts set with this type need to be updated by adding the VAT or TAX number, together with personal identification document (ID card, passport) of the merchant and proof of address. In particular cases, additional documentation issued by the local authorities, can be required from the “Individual type – Merchant” with the reason to proof availability of expertise, permits or license to practice services or sell products.

For Business Merchant type – Merchant accounts set with this type need to be updated by adding the official registration documents of their business issued by the local authorities and legislation. These documents must prove the connection of the merchants with their businesses, the official scope of business activity, and the license or permissions for the business activity. Authorization documents must be notarized.

How to upload your documents find in the video below: