DSCP is replaced with OESP, new categories & local currency option

New improvements and changes that will help merchants sell more and ensure a great user experience are released with version 2.15 of our global Dealshaker platform.

Because of the expansion of the usage of DSCP for members from crypto-restricted countries not only in the Dealshaker platform but in all ONE Ecosystem projects, DSCP is renamed and replaced with OESP. How the crypto part is written in the price of deals in the platform is also changed, with a more convenient and user-friendly option. With these improvements, we want to make it easier for our users in crypto-restricted countries to use their OESPs in all current and future projects in the ecosystem. The change is purely technical, it does not require any action from the user.

The outlook of the categories tab will be changed, too. There will be only two tabs: Products and Services. We have created new, modern, and popular categories to help buyers find different items easily and conveniently. On the other hand, to support merchants choose the right and best category for their unique deals.

The Merchants will be able to upload deals in their local currency. For some currencies, it is very difficult to set up a price for a deal. If the currency is weak there are huge gaps between rates. So, when the merchant creates or edits his business account, he has to select the preferred local currency. It will appear by default when he adds a new deal or creates a promo code.


IN SPANISH: https://youtu.be/IQmfilIRI5g

IN CHINESE: https://youtu.be/lgg780JaPFs

That is not all! We improve the delivery process, too. The buyer will not be allowed to complete the order if the delivery address is not supported by the merchant. An additional check is added in the checkout and validates that the merchant supports the delivery address submitted by the buyer.

The Dealshaker Structure page has been added to the website. Here users can view a full list of all country managers worldwide per country. You can find their pictures and a useful contact button to send a message. On the same page, there is an option to apply as Country Manager where the candidates should fill out a submit form and upload a CV.

The Dealshaker Brand Guide page is created and added in the footer of the Web app. All merchants, buyers, and guests can access the Dealshaker Brand Guide page. The Page contains information on how to use the Dealshaker Logo and an option to download all versions of the Dealshgaker logo. The Brand Guide is focused on the brand identity and encourages users and merchants to follow the brand specifications and the official Dealshaker designs.

Enjoy all new updates and improvements!