The decentralization process and empowerment of the IMAs are another testimony to our development. We are one big family where there is consensus, democracy, transparency, and publicity and where our IMAs have a huge role and a special place wherever they are. The voice of each one is important and can be heard thanks to our voting system. Together with the IGC members, we can bear the responsibility of making decisions in democracy and with consensus”, said the CEO of the company Mr. Ventsislav Zlatkov during his participation in the Newsroom show.
“The members of the International Global Council are great leaders, with exceptional experience and expertise in industries such as finance, management, education, and commerce. They have been in the project for many years and know our members very well. They have created very strong connections and Networks within the community and inspire us daily with their wonderful example. They were elected by the members democratically and freely as part of the process of decentralization and empowerment of the people. This is another testimony to our development as a company. We believe that together as leaders we can bear the responsibility of making the important decisions, so that they simultaneously reflect the mission and goals of the company, but also respond to the wishes and issues of the regions”, Mr. Zlatkov said.
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