Thousands of members from all over the world, members of the Country Board and International Global Council, Dealshaker country managers and our special speakers participated in the ONE ECOSYSTEM World Congress “The Futures Starts Today” in Penang, Malaysia. amazing show. Exclusive news and surprises related to our projects were announced on the stage of the global event. The final phase of the blockchain deployment was celebrated in an official ceremony when the countdown timer marked the end of this revolutionary change for the entire ecosystem, in which over 1 million accounts were transferred to Polygon’s public blockchain.
The climax of the show was the handing over of 10 keys to 10 regions. 10 regions received the keys to our blockchain home. And from this moment, only by consensus, together, but never separately, changes can be made. These are ten encrypted codes, special keys that are given to the regions, not their leaders. IGC members will be responsible for the storage of these keys, but they are owned by the region, not by the person. The IGC mеmbers were introduced on the stage and delivered their emotional speaks to all the guests in the hall and members worldwide. The members of the Country board in Malaysia also took part in the ceremony.
And more blockchain news. Two new blockchain courses – Blockchain Advanced and Blockchain Expert were created in ONE ACADDENY and will be available soon. They will give all the members the necessary knowledge and education to keep up with the dynamic and changing world of the blockchain technology. Our blockchain experts have collected the latest trends from this industry and development forecasts.
All guests in Setia SPICE Convention Center SPICE, Penang, Malaysia watched the incredible presentation of the Dealshaker Golbal Director Mr. Vladislav Velkov, who inspired us and showed us that everyone can make their dream come true by starting their own business, but following a new model where the Network works better than the chain. He introduced us to the path to starting a business, the roles and challenges that are along the way, and how to be successful. Members from all over the world were learner by the marketing expert Andy Beunaver how to become influencers of their own deals and what the trends in digital marketing are.
Amazing news related to ONE VITA were announced. To the amazing collection of 5 unique products created by the power of liposomes and nature, two new products will be added – face masks. ONE VITA products will have new packaging that is much more convenient and protects the ingredients. New ONE VITA website and new purchasing options will be available very soon.
Exciting news came from ONE CHARITY project, too. New ONE CHARITY NETWORK AND ONE CHARITY CORPORATE programs will started. They will allow all members worldwide to nominate and vote on charitable causes, as well as donate amounts to a cause in complete transparency.
Hundreds of merchants participate in the DEALSHAKER exhibition, which takes place on the third day of the world event. Big brands like Samsung and other businesses with their unique products have their own stands at the exhibition to showcase their products, connect directly with customers, and create useful business partnerships. Merchants from the region have increased in recent months and Dealshaker online platform is enjoying great interest among businesses and more and more customers. The exhibition is held at Setia SPICE Convention Center SPICE, Penang, Malaysia.