

The USDT payment method for the fiat part of the price will be implemented into the Dealshaker platform. USDT is just one of many new payment methods that will be added. It was announced by the Dealshaker Global Director Mr Vladislav Vlekov during his participation in the Newsroom show.”We are betting on this stable coin as a unique method of payment worldwide to become part of our portfolio as an e-commerce company and to all our buyers to spend money in Dealshaker more easily and faster. The USDT wallet is common for our users and in the time we live now. Crypto is everywhere and this is a straightforward step. The main benefit for users is the usability.  It’s very fast and very convenient because there is no limitation. Transactions are very fast and you can do as many as you want. USDT is adopted in many blockchain networks. So our buyers can choose the most suitable network for them, depending on their wallet and the fee they will pay. Everything is very customizable, based on the user experience. USDT is becoming extremely popular and preferred by many businesses around the world and Dealshaker as always is up to date with the latest trends”, Mr. Velkov said.

“We are always up to date through the years and are building the future of e-commerce. The implementation of USDT as a payment option is a step that is coming before the official opening of Dealshaker to entire world. Currently, only registered members in our One Ecosystem can be buyers in Dealshaker, but we are going to open our platform to the entire world and buyers will be able to purchase no matter if they are not members of our system. Buyers will be able to choose and order the best products from our top merchants and purchase without any registration and without any requirements them. Just come to the platform, pay with USDT, and enjoy the great products”, the Dealshaker Global Director said.

Mr. Velkov added that great improvements are coming. “After that, we will implement a payment method with credit or debit card and other options, that are commonly accepted in the world to in crypto and in the Fiat world. The user will have to provide just the basic personal information: contact information, delivery address, and payment method”. Mr. Vladislav Velkov announced.